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Discussion 1

Qualitative Methods
Quantitative Methods

Research is Exploratory, research is completed in a person or group’s natural environment, uses ‘how’ and ‘why’ things happen, interactive between researcher and the one being studied, information is subjective
Research completed in numerical form, uses closed-ended questions/yes or no questions, uses statistics to provide a synopsis, information is objective, uses larger sample sizes

Uses personal experience to guide the research
Uses theory to guide the research

The objective of this discussion is to first, compare and contrast qualitative and quantitative research, and secondly, to provide one example of each to study a health-care related topic. For example, to study why recommended laboratory tests are not completed by patients, when taking certain medications that can cause harm, a researcher can use both methods of research to complete the study (Fischer et al., 2013, p. 513).
An example of a qualitative approach would be to interview a group of patients who have not completed recommended laboratory testing, and simply asking ‘why’. Since the information received during qualitative research is subjective, there may be several different answers to the question. While working as a nurse at a psychiatrist’s office, I learned that insurance companies require certain labs to be drawn to check for damage to the liver and kidneys, for instance. If the labs were not drawn then the insurance would no longer pay for that particular medication. In my experience, it was common for patients to say that they either forgot to go to the lab or maybe lose the lab order altogether.
If the researcher decides to use a quantitative approach, they may interview a group of patients and get a numerical value of the ones who did not show for the testing vs. the ones who did complete the testing. A table could then be created, labeling the top reasons why testing was not completed and the numerical value of patients that gave those specific answers.
In conclusion, the predominant difference in the two types of research is that qualitative study wants to explain a certain experience, while quantitative study wants to use statistics to answer a question (LoBiondo -Wood & Haber, 2014, p. 9). While we have looked at both studies as individuals, there are many research studies that have been accomplished best by using both approaches.
Fischer, S. H., Field, T. S., Gagne, S. J., Mazor, K. M., Preusse, P., Reed, G., … Tija, J. (2013, April 1). Patient Completion of Laboratory Tests to Monitor Medication Therapy: A Mixed-Methods Study. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 28(4), 513-521.
LoBiondo -Wood, G., & Haber, J. (2014). Nursing Research Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elservier.
Discussion 2


Hypotheses are stated or implied, random or specific study group with a common similarity uses variables and outcomes.
Driven by people’s thoughts, reactions, perceptions, and experiences. Uses focus groups, interviews, recording behavior, and unstructured observation

Variables are measured by instruments or scales; measurable, uses numbers; statistical analyses are used
Not measurable; uses ideas, is interpretive, narrative descriptions, words. Lacks statistical testing

Uses deductive reasoning, comprehensive, uses a large number of participants
Uses inductive reasoning, specific, uses a small number of participants

Objective- observes but doesn’t participate
Subjective- involved as a participant observer

The term “random” or “convenience” is mentioned in the relation to the sample. Also uses case-controlled, clinical trial, experimental group, structured, control group.
Uses the terms ethnographic study, field notes, field research, focus group, observation, open ended, and phenomenological

Example of a qualitative approach would be studying the experience of those spouses of Alzheimer’s patients whom had to be placed in a nursing facility. Example of a quantitative approach would be studying the number of falls of Alzheimer’s patients living at home have versus those who are living at a nursing facility over a six month period.
Chrisman, J., Jordan, R., Davis, C., & Williams, W. (2014). Exploring evidence-based practice research. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!, 8-12. doi:DOI- 10.1097/01.NME.0000450295.93626.e7
Coates, V. (2014). Qualitative research: A source of evidence to inform nursing practice? Journal Of Diabetes Nursing, 8, 9th ser., 329-334. Retrieved May 22, 2018.
LoBiondo-Wood, G., & Haber, J. (2006). Nursing research: Methods, critical appraisal, and utilization. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.